As I ate dinner this afternoon, I watched the first set of the Jubilee Reunion that Bill Bailey Concerts aired the other day. Although I have heard Jim & Melissa Brady sing “I Know Him Better Now” a number of times, I hadn’t closely listened to the lyrics but, boy, did they hit me today.
This has been a challenging year to say the least, but I’ve been amazed at how at peace I have felt in spite of most of our income being taken away. I knew that God would provide, and He has done just that. I continue to receive editing work at the perfect times, and people have sent donations to my brother’s family which has been a huge encouragement.
That said, I still find myself worrying about “tomorrow” in the form of next year, the upcoming election, etc. Sometimes trust is still a battle, but I continue to have confidence in the One who has never failed me, and I don’t expect Him to start now.
It’s true that, as you see God perform miracles, you are more ready to believe that He will move on your behalf in the future. But sometimes fear gets in the way as you wonder what you’ll do if He doesn’t answer the way you want Him to. Brothers and Sisters, if you have truly surrendered all to the Lord, you have to be willing to go wherever He directs. For some of us, it’s possible that the life we’ve known for most of our lives is about to change. For others, God may be waiting for the ideal time to reinstate you and give you a more effective ministry than before. I don’t know what is going to happen this year, but I am so thankful that God does. He is still holding my hand, and I’m sure He’s holding yours as well. Let’s trust Him together!