Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies. ~John 11:25
This morning, I’m thinking of two friends who passed away recently. One was a church greeter who used to greet us on Easter morning with the words, “He is risen!” The other, a widow friend that I would have emailed this morning with the same words.
“He is risen” is not a cliche but a truth that should fill our hearts with joy. Some struggle to grasp why a loving God allows suffering, and I don’t pretend to have the answers, but I do know that His love led Him to Calvary. His resurrection came with a promise that we will see our loved ones again in a land He’s preparing where there will be no more sickness or death or pain or suffering. Because of this, we can rejoice amid the grief that would like to overwhelm us.
I hope you know this risen Savior so that you too can have the eternal life that awaits those who trust in Him.