For the Weary

by | Sep 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

“The words of Agur son of Jakeh. The oracle. The man declares, I am weary, O God; I am weary, O God, and worn out.” ~Proverbs 30:1

What a year and a half it’s been. It seems like every day I continue to hear about people who are sick or dying. I know many of you have lost people close to you, and I’m sorry for your losses. We can probably all relate to the man Agur is describing as he cries out to God, “I am weary and worn out!” It brings to mind the old hymn:

Are you weary? Are you heavyhearted?
Tell it to Jesus. Tell it to Jesus.

That’s the only thing we can do when we are at the end of ourselves, unable to go on without our Father’s strength: Tell it to Jesus. It can be encouraging to remind yourself that these are only light and temporary trials (2 Corinthians 4:17). I know it doesn’t seem that way but, in the eternal scheme of things, they are. Before you know it, you will be joining your loved ones in Heaven, but do not spend the remainder of your life pining for that day. Rather, remember that you are still here for a reason. Seek to accomplish God’s purposes while you are still here.

“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” ~Revelation 2:10c

I love the song the Freemans sang:

Find me faithful when you come
Standing true ’til all is done
Like a beacon in the night
Shining out a way that’s right

I pray that, when Jesus returns, He will find me faithful, occupying until He comes (Luke 19:13). Believe me that I have had times of wanting God to remove me from this world with its suffering and heartaches, but that is not the legacy that I want to leave. I want to be victorious, calling others to draw closer to the Savior, exhibiting what it means to walk in the Spirit and to shine with His love. I hope these are your desires as well. This is not a time for Believers to shut down and become depressed. Pray for strength to press on and be a light, letting others see that God is still alive and well no matter what happens down here on earth.

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Sony Elise

Sony Elise

Sony has been an avid southern gospel fan since she first heard The Happy Goodman Family on a cassette in the mid-1980s. She is the co-founder of Family Renewal and the owner of Sony Elise Editing Services.


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