For as long as I can remember, music has been important to me. My mom tells me that, as a baby, I wouldn’t sleep unless she put on one of my grandparents’ records. When I was around 9 years old, I discovered Southern Gospel music, and when I came across a Southern Gospel radio station a couple years later, I listened to it as much as I could. As a teenager, music is what kept me from totally plummeting into despair. Now well into my adult years, it can still encourage my spirit like nothing else can. I don’t play an instrument, but I love to sing, and I love good lyrics sung by my favorite groups.
This morning as I was getting ready for the day, I turned on a CD by the McKameys. It took me back to about nine years ago when I went through one of the darkest times of my life. I could not sing back then due to the tears that fell, but I did not stop listening to music. The songs I played most often were “You’re Still God” by the McKameys and “Joy’s Gonna Come in the Morning” by the Crist Family. I played them over and over and over until I began to see a glimpse of that joy returning … a couple years later. When I hear those songs now, they can make me a bit sad as I remember a situation that never did really resolve, but they also remind me that God is God no matter the circumstance, and He eventually answered my cry as He restored to me the joy of His salvation (Psalm 51:12).
By the odds, I expect that someone is going to read this post while they are going through a great trial. Don’t give up. God may or may not turn your situation around, but He can strengthen you through it. No matter how long it takes, keep looking to Him. When you can do nothing else, ask Him to hold you and comfort you as only He can. Make sure that the music you listen to is encouraging you and drawing you closer to the Lord. Praise God that He will never leave nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). And as He begins to fill you with renewed joy, don’t forget to sing and tell others what God has done for you.