This past week, I bought my niece a birthday gift. Her birthday isn’t until August but I like to plan ahead so as not to get caught last minute buying something that the person doesn’t want nor need. Upon arriving home, I found that she was having a really rough day. Before too long, I realized that the gift I purchased might be just the thing to lift her spirits. After all, who doesn’t like a gift “just because”? Her mama confirmed later that it did the trick.
When I went to bed that night, I thanked God for leading me to buy that gift. I did not hear a “thus saith the Lord,” and I debated on whether or not I should purchase it, but God knew what I didn’t, and He laid it on my heart to go ahead and get it, then He used it in a way that I did not foresee.
Psalm 16:7 says, “I will bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.”
Many times, I don’t realize that the Father is speaking to me but I am so thankful that He does. I pray frequently that I will learn to hear His voice, but hearing begins by obeying gentle nudges instead of constantly overthinking things.
As you go through this coming week, I would encourage you to listen for the still, small voice. It may not direct you to do anything major. He may want you to call a friend that you haven’t talked to in a long time. He may lead you to a store that you don’t usually frequent because there is someone there who needs the encouragement that only you can give. When you do see His hand at work, thank Him for using you in that way. And if you don’t see anything tangible, don’t stop living each day with an attitude of availability. I expect that He is using you more than you know.
The song with the same title as the title of your post is in our Easter musical this year. We rehearsed it earlier this evening.