My dad and I attended a small music festival last evening. The opening act was the worship team for a local church. The lead singer had a good testimony, and the songs were all focused on the Lord.
Next up was an African children’s choir. They were lively and radiated with the joy of the Lord.
The third group left a lot to be desired. The lead singer had a good voice and he knew how to dance around but most of the songs didn’t say much or I couldn’t follow them.
In the thirty-five years or so that I’ve been listening to Southern Gospel music, I feel like we go through phases where there are have been good songs and then great songs and then some OK songs or “fillers.” May I encourage you to not settle for sub-par? Our God is a God of excellence. He also desires all the praise and worship. We can sing mediocre lyrics all day long but they are not going to produce change in anyone, and they are probably not going to draw people closer to the Lord either.
If you are a worship leader, don’t feel obligated to sing every song released to radio. Pray over the lyrics and discern whether they point people to the Lord or just cause the congregation to feel good about themselves. Those in music ministry are just as important as pastors when it comes to sharing the Gospel. Don’t let anyone tell you that