NQC 2019 – Wednesday Evening

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Concert Review, Reviews

The Singing News Fan Awards were presented on Wednesday afternoon. I did not attend, but I and Diana Brantley did promptly bring the list of winners up to date on the page we have devoted to Singing News Fan Awards at SGHistory.com. You can view the entire list of winners PLUS every winner from previous years if you click HERE.

At the evening concert, the schedule ran about 20 minutes behind on Wednesday, but no one seemed to mind. Highlights from the evening included:
1. seeing the new Legacy Five line-up on stage (the first time for me)
2. hearing the Isaacs flawlessly bend notes up and down to land on a perfect chord
3. watching two dynamic soloists, Jason Crabb and Joseph Habedank, capture and hold the attention of the crowd from the moment they stepped on stage
4. noting that last year’s New Artist Of The Year, High Road, continues to live up to their billing
5. seeing Carolina, which includes my long-time friends, Chris Roberts and Scott Whitener, and two newer friends, Chris Parker and Riley Dotson, appropriately applauded for the hard work they’ve put in over the past few years
6. finally hearing in person two acts I’d only heard about before tonight: Lindsey Graham and the Shireys
7. The 3 Heath Brothers…three young men who sing complex a cappella arrangements of familiar songs, and do it quite well

This will be my last report from NQC 2019. I’m heading home tomorrow.

Here are some photos from Wednesday Evening:

Emcee Bill Bailey
High Road with Jason Crabb
The Old Paths
Tim Menzies with Ben Isaacs and Karen Peck Gooch
The Hoppers
3 Heath Brothers
Legacy Five
The Whisnants

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David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray is a church music director in Ellenboro, NC. He is the author of Murray's Encyclopedia Of Southern Gospel Music and the owner of both SGHistory.com and MusicScribe.com.


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