NQC 2019 – Monday Evening

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Concert Review, Reviews

The Kingdom Heirs in 2017 (shown here to compare screens vs. new LED walls in 2019)

The National Quartet Convention is in it’s sixth year since relocating to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee in 2014. Improvements to the event have been made each year.

Upgrades for 2019 include digital LED walls (screens), replacing the rear-projection screens used in years past. With the old screens, those sitting near the stage would see a reverse image on the screens. (See the 2017 shot of the Kingdom Heirs above with the reverse close-up of Arthur on the screens). It was a bit odd to see individuals on the screens move to the right when the person on stage moved to the left, etc.

Greater Vision

There is no image on the backside of the new LED walls. You just see a grid of lights instead, and in a photograph, these look like just another lighting effect. In this shot of Greater Vision from Monday night, you hardly notice they’re there.

Another improvement for 2019 is the addition of a new parking lot on the hill above the LeConte Center. Contrary to how it looks on a map, the new lot is not within easy walking distance, because it sits on a steep hill. Shuttles are continually running, though, and once you get back to your car, you don’t have to sit through the bottlenecks of the main parking lot. The new parking lot is only partially complete, so this feature should be even better for NQC 2020.

When it comes to music on Monday night, friends I spoke with said they most enjoyed sets by Triumphant, Karen Peck & New River, Greater Vision, and the LeFevre Quartet on Monday night. It’s probably no coincidence that two of those groups, Triumphant and Karen Peck & New River, had extended 30-minute sets. Other group time limits ran from as little as one song to 15-20 minutes.

Check out a few more photos below.

The Kingsmen
Karen Peck & New River
Promisedland Quartet
Debra Perry & Jaidyn’s Call

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David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray is a church music director in Ellenboro, NC. He is the author of Murray's Encyclopedia Of Southern Gospel Music and the owner of both SGHistory.com and MusicScribe.com.

1 Comment

  1. Diana Brantley

    Thanks, David!! I love the great pictures. We watched from home last night and enjoyed it very much. We had a few issues with the webcast until it stabilized about 6:10 or so, and then it was great. A “new feature” that I noticed on the webcast were some screens that were shown instead of the action on the stage – like commercials on TV except they were still shots – during some moments of the broadcast, including most of the piano solo by Josh Singletary during the Piano ALIVE slot. Fortunately, these weren’t done during the other artist sets.


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