by Kyle Boreing | Dec 16, 2023 | Commentary & Observations, History
“I Know What Lies Ahead” was written by Jean Canter and published by Kirk Talley Music. It was first recorded by the Talleys in 1983 on their debut album, As For Me And My House, and covered the following year by both the Hoppers and the Greenes. These...
by Kyle Boreing | Oct 9, 2023 | Commentary & Observations, Music Business, Music Tech, News, Release Oddities
I’ve made comments in the past about Mark Trammell’s resistance to streaming, and even tried to help justify it (to an extent) in previous articles. I’ve also made some jokes at their expense about their refusal to release music in any sort of...
by Kyle Boreing | Jun 28, 2023 | Commentary & Observations, Marketing Oddities, Music Business, Oddities, Release Oddities, Shopping
The Cathedral Quartet is among the most well-loved and respected gospel groups in history. There isn’t a quartet singer today who isn’t familiar with the rich history of the Cathedrals, and you would be hard pressed to find many fans who don’t own at...
by David Bruce Murray | May 8, 2023 | Commentary & Observations, History
The Southern Gospel Music Association is currently accepting nominees for the Hall Of Fame. Each member of the SGMA is asked to submit two living and two deceased individuals for consideration. I am pleased to be nominating: 1. comedian/songwriter and former Gaither...
by Kyle Boreing | Apr 29, 2023 | Commentary & Observations, Music Business, Music Tech
Brief history lesson – when recorded music first became a viable product, it came with an inherent limitation – length. Whether it was some power hungry crook who stole patents Thomas Edison’s cylinder phonograph or early shellac discs spinning at 78...
by Kyle Boreing | Feb 25, 2023 | Commentary & Observations
FULL DISCLOSURE: I have no ill will against Gold City or anyone in the group. I am a genuine fan and have been for many years. That being said, as a fan, I can’t help but wonder why a recent member change (something with which the group is sadly...