NQC 2017: Wednesday Evening

by | Sep 28, 2017 | Concert Review, Reviews

NQC 2017 has been about youth as much as it has been about the past 60 years. The highlight of the Thursday evening concert was a group of five children & youth, ranging in age from 10 to 19. They sing at a fully professional level. Their name is The Chitans. They won the afternoon showcase, and as a result, were invited to sing at the evening concert. I’m looking forward to hearing more from The Chitans in years to come!

From 1969 to the present, there has been a symbiotic relationship between the National Quartet Convention and Singing News magazine. At the 1970 convention, one could buy a year’s subscription to Singing News for just $1.00! The regular subscription rate in 1970 was $5.00 per year.

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David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray

David Bruce Murray is a church music director in Ellenboro, NC. He is the author of Murray's Encyclopedia Of Southern Gospel Music and the owner of both SGHistory.com and MusicScribe.com.


  1. joshvanklomp

    Glad to see you considered the Chitans a highlight, as I did too! I actually wasn’t paying super close attention as they were getting introduced and never caught their name, so I’m glad you did. They have a bright future, and I hope you check out more of their stuff on Youtube as I already have.

    I think it’s an interesting shakeup, having the “Power Half Hour” at the end of the program, rather than to open the evening with these groups. I get it from the national groups’ perspective, but I hope that these regional groups don’t get discouraged seeing people file out just before their part of the program.

    I’ve been looking at the schedule NQC has online, and it listed Amber Nelon Thompson as emcee Wednesday (instead of Morgan Easter). I just saw that Amber had a movie premiere event in Los Angeles that they were at….just curious if the schedule error was an oversight, or if there was a last minute change or what. Didn’t catch the beginning tonight, so maybe they addressed this, I’m not sure.

    One final observation….Freedom Quartet was the opening group of the night for both of their sets this year. Thought that was interesting. Usually they try to mix that up somewhat, it seems.

    • David Bruce Murray

      I like having the Power Hour (or half hour) at the end. Even though many do leave, it slows the mass rush to the door and as a result, there is less of a logjam in the parking lots. (I had actually suggested something similar a few years ago.)

      They did mention that Morgan was hosting instead of Amber at the beginning of the evening, but didn’t really go into why.


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