Are You Truly Following?

by | Jan 14, 2018 | Uncategorized

Lead me, Lord, I’ll follow anywhere you open up the door
Let me know Your wisdom; show me things I’ve never seen before

Many of us have sung this, but I wonder how many will truly go anywhere God opens the door. For myself, I like comfort. I want to know what to expect. The unknown scares me. This is complicated by the fact that I worry that I will mistake my own thoughts for God’s voice. Oh, the battle that ensues.

Increasingly, though, I am finding that, when God opens the door, you will often know. And, if you start to go through a door that isn’t His, if you continue to seek Him at every step, He can make it clear that you are going the wrong way.

Several years ago, I made the scariest decision of my life thus far. I left a job that was comfortable and provided an element of security for a business that was just starting and had no guarantee that it would take off. I prayed a lot during that time, asking God to make it really clear if this was His will or just a fancy I had that seemed right at the time. It was amazing how, as I stepped out in faith, God began to bless in ways I wouldn’t have dreamed. I also grew in some areas that I needed to grow in.

Since that time, I’ve traveled a lot of miles, dealt with some health issues, had many joyous times and some times where it’s been hard to feel such joy, but through it all, God has been faithful. I just still have some growing and stretching to do.

This brings me to a couple weeks ago when God opened yet another door that is a dream come true. I had been seeking God for wisdom and direction and, when I got the email, I knew it was from Him. It brought back to mind Matthew 6:33. If you seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, all the other things will be added to you.  I do not do this perfectly, but I pray to keep growing in this area.

We are told not to worry about tomorrow. Easier said than done but our Father is always moving on our behalf. He knows our desires before we ask or even think them sometimes. He also knows what is best for us so, if the direction He leads isn’t the way you wanted to go, trust Him. He has a plan and will give you the strength and tools you need to walk down that road. Just like He’s been leading me, I know He will lead you as well. Don’t stop asking and trusting.

(The quote at the beginning is from the song, “Daystar [Shine Down On Me].”)

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Sony Elise

Sony Elise

Sony has been an avid southern gospel fan since she first heard The Happy Goodman Family on a cassette in the mid-1980s. She is the co-founder of Family Renewal and the owner of Sony Elise Editing Services.


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